Какво е будизъм? Чуйте отговора на Буда! | Събуждане на Божественото в човека | #MaximsOfWisdom

За епизода: Пътят на човек в будизма, когато простичко се спазва закона на съвестта „Не прави зло. Прави добро. Поддържай ума си чист“ може да бъде ключ за …
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Какво е будизъм? Чуйте отговора на Буда! | Събуждане на Божественото в човека | #MaximsOfWisdom

🌐 Hristo Toshkov | ⁠⁠⁠https://hristotoshkov.com - The founder of "Talks on the Way of Wisdom" - a forum in which cultural and spiritual doctrines, principles and theories are discussed.

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📖📖Hristo Toshkov is a university professor, writer, software engineer, scientist, inventor and researcher of esoteric literature, the soul and spirit of humanity.
🌐#MastersOfWisdom #AboutWisdom ✅#MaximsOfWisdom👈

📖 Talks on the Way of Wisdom is a #forum where we discuss cultural, spiritual and evolutionary doctrines, concepts, principles and theories. The Forum was created to synthesize the Wisdom of the Spiritual #Masters, to assess their culture through the prism of science, philosophy, religion and art, discussing, researching and analyzing their application in modern times.
🌐#MastersOfWisdom #AboutWisdom ✅#MaximsOfWisdom👈 Note: The video contains reflections on the ideas of Vaklush, also known as The Teacher of Wisdom, interpretation and phrases from the literature of the Way of Wisdom Teaching that the Teacher created
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